Lea’s approach
I believe that healthcare should be integrative and take the whole person into account, not just narrowly focusing on disease. I recognize the wisdom of combining conventional and natural methods of treatment. And I believe that healing plants play important roles, not only resolving symptoms, but in creating lasting physical, emotional and spiritual wellness.
My mission is to empower confidence in others about the safe and effective use of herbs for health and wellbeing.
herbal consultations
In a one-on-one meeting, we will create an individualized herbal treatment plan based on your health concerns and goals. An appointment typically lasts an hour to 90 minutes. It includes review of a completed health history intake form and discussion of your current concerns. At that meeting, I will also share some herbal insights.
Following your appointment, I will send you a more detailed herbal treatment plan with my recommendations for herbs, nutrition, lifestyle and sometimes other nutritional supplements. I take care both to avoid burdensome (and costly) herb/supplement regimes and to ensure that the suggested herbal treatment works well with what your other health care providers recommend.
After we review your plan together, I will formulate your herbs sourced either from what I grow and make myself or from other trusted herbalists/herb companies.
You may contact me by phone or email with follow-up questions about your herbs.
Should you wish to consult about any new health concerns, that will require a new appointment and another consultation fee.
Appointments can held be in person or by phone, audio or video.
Lea’s herbal education
Apprenticeship with NC Herbalist Suki Roth: 2003-2010
Weekly advanced-level herbalist education including: materia medica, herbal therapeutics, medicine making, plant identification, wild harvesting and organic herb gardening. See http://www.herbhaven.com/about-suki/
Herbal Therapeutics Program, David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies: 2018-2020
Two-year comprehensive clinical training in Chinese, Western and other herbal medicine traditions including: materia medica, diagnostic techniques, field botany, phytochemistry, holistic health protocols and case histories. Dean David Winston RH (AHG). See https://herbalstudies.net
Graduate Program with David Winston: 2020-2021 and 2022 - present Two additional years of advanced clinical herbalism training including case histories and additional holistic health protocols.
I continue to deepen my herbal knowledge and experience through supervision with senior herbalists, seminars and trainings, teaching my own classes, and ongoing apprenticeship relationships.
The plants themselves continue to be my greatest teachers.